Pastor Willie Woodson
Pastor Willie is Lead Pastor at Faith Life Christian Center. He is a native of Houston, TX and a United States Marine veteran. He graduated in 2004 from Rhema with a diploma in Pastoral Ministry. Born again and Spirit-filled in 1995 in Chicago IL, While attending Winter Bible Seminar with aka Kenneth Hagin ministries God directed him to attend Rhema Bible Training Center
Pastor Willie is a student of the Word of God. His unquenchable desire for the Word results in the delivery of a passionate, accurate, anointed and convicting message. He has up to date insights in relevant events that are parallel to biblical principles. He is truly a man given to prayer and believes prayer is the foundation. He serves as an instructor for Precept International Bible School and is He is founder of Faith Life's outreach
" The Prayer and Healing Center."
Real People with Real Diseases
are receiving
Real Deliverance from a Real God
He has experienced the healing power of God personally and testify of God's goodness always. The Lord Jesus uses him to be a blessing to others in this area. Through the Center Pastor Willie ministers to many the healing power of Jesus by teaching and demonstrations.